XSYS Arena
Because balance is overrated.
How to Play
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Patch Notes
Post Archive
Preshow Nov. '24: A Wyvern is a Kind of Bird
- 2024-11-22 - preshow,arc1,story
Interlude: Strawberry Crumble
- 2024-08-15 - arc1,story
Recap 6/2024: To the Moon and Back Again
- 2024-06-10 - recap,arc1,story
Preshow 6/2024: 7 Grand Finale
- 2024-06-08 - preshow,arc1
Recap 2/23: Aeris Runs it Back
- 2024-02-23 - recap,arc1,story
Preshow 02/23: FF7 Disc 3 - Stairway to the Fated Fight
- 2024-02-22 - preshow,story,arc1
Recap 2/4: Debris Burs
- 2024-02-10 - recap,arc1
Preshow 2/3: FF7 Disc 2 - Paper Cut
- 2024-02-03 - story,arc1
Interlude 01/28: Doctor Okazaki's Long Road Home
- 2024-01-28 - story,arc1
Recap 12/30: Operation Hurricane
- 2024-01-02 - recap,arc1
Preshow 12/30: FF7 Disc 1 - Building Steam
- 2023-12-28 - preshow,story,arc1
Interlude 12/25: Strawberry Bubblegum
- 2023-12-25 - story,arc1
Recap 10/28: Mechanics Are For Cars
- 2023-10-28 - recap
Preshow 10/12: Initial XIV
- 2023-10-12 - preshow,story
Announcing Supporters!
- 2023-10-11 - releases
Recap 7/29: Sandbag's Revenge's Revenge's Revenge's Revenge
- 2023-07-30 - recap
Preshow 7/29: Sandbag's Revenge's Revenge's Revenge
- 2023-07-28 - preshow
Recap 6/30: Sandbag's Revenge's Revenge
- 2023-07-01 - recap
Preshow 6/30: Sandbag's Revenge
- 2023-06-28 - preshow
Story Preshow 6/30: Regulatory Concerns
- 2023-06-26 - story
The Desert of Doors
- 2023-06-24 - story
Patch 1.0
- 2023-06-17 - releases
Director's Commentary: Why XSYS?
- 2023-05-10 - commentary
Starting Off
- 2023-05-09 - misc