XSYS Arena

Because balance is overrated.

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Recap 6/30: Sandbag's Revenge's Revenge

01 Jul 2023 - XSYS Team

Heroes: Erika (Amara, Bouncer), Misty (Arcanimist), Daebaxi (Wrathguard), Dragoshi (Decider), herringway (Arbiter)

For the first battle of the system, it went pretty smoothly! …Sure, we had to restart the battle 45 minutes in, after a bug prevented the Wrathguard’s Breath meter from working properly, but that was the only real big thing.

The heroes rallied something like seven or eight pulls of the Tendou Souji card to get an amazing amount of buffs spread around the team, then used that power boost to turn Chaingun’s “10 power but deal CT damage equal to damage” into “delete half the HP of all the targets, AND an entire turn off of Sandbag.”

That carried them to a fairly easy victory– if Sandbag couldn’t get turns, it couldn’t make more targets!

Thanks for joining! We’ve got some maintenance to do, but once the arena is polished up, we’ll contact all of you about the next fight!