Because balance is overrated.
10 Jun 2024 - XSYS Team
Heroes: Herringway (Arbiter), oakandlinden (Arcanimist), Rue (Wrathguard), Dragoshi (Profaner), Amara as Aerith (Rosecutter), Misty (Decider)
Wait, is this a shmup segment?
Aeris supported the heroes with the “Seven Force” skillset, granting them a Star-Fox-style lock-on combo shot to deal with the waves of weak enemies.
The heroes had a different strategy, however. Most of the hero party softened up the mook Weapons one by one or stacked debuffs on the boss, and some coordination between Aerith’s Target Lock and Dragoshi’s Black Hole allowed Aerith to sweep through most of the field, chain-devouring Weapons to stock up an absurd amount of materia. oakandlinden also did an excellent job keeping the damage dealers upright, burning through Anima at just the right times.
As soon as the mid-boss of the shmup stage (Nightmare Zeromus) appeared, the entire team was able to race through it– a Marisa/Kirby callcard fusion, a few sword-smashes from Rue, a bunch of bullets from Misty, and a flurry of rushdown punches from Dragoshi, and the heroes smashed it down before it could get a turn!
Then, Jenova appeared, from within the moon…
Aaaand Aerith unleashed all those materia with a 100% L-Groove Unmake that deleted 73% of Jenova’s HP.
…So, uh, since we still had a few hours left, I whipped together “Moon-Heart Soul OS,” a more powerful version to give even this a run for their money!
For whatever reason, Herringway kept drawing Mr. Famous, and wound up combining two of them to make GateMan. Summoning GateMan tripled the hits of Aerith’s Stonega Shatter, chunking off a third of True Jenova’s HP, and after eating more mooks, she unleashed a hyperboosted 300% Devour that finished it off in a single blow.
I awarded the standard 250 pyroxene, 250 tomestones, and 1000 nuyen for the victory, and an extra 50/500 for beating both the boss and the True Arena version. Thanks for playing Final Fantasy 7!