To change the colors of your display name, use “!colors 1 0”.
If you want to authorize another IRC nick or Discord account as your alias:
Make sure you’re already on a nick the bot recognizes as you.
For an IRC nick, use “!alias [nick]”.
For a Discord account, use “!alias [user ID]”. The user ID should be an 18-digit number– you can find it by clicking your avatar, then selecting “Copy User ID”.
On Battle Night
Pick a class.
If you’re new, try the Profaner (an all-offense dark-magic wielder) or the Bouncer (a high-flying evasive offense class)!
You can view each class’s skills on the Skills page.
Pick a Groove from list at the bottom of the Skills page.
If you’re not sure, pick H-Groove!
Join with “!enter Main Class/Groove”.
If you have secondary classes or auxiliaries unlocked, you can use “!enter Main Class/Secondary Class/Auxiliary/Groove” to specify those.
For example, you can enter with “!enter Profaner/H-Groove”.
On your turn, pick 3 TP worth of actions.
Most actions are 1 TP. Some are 0 TP “free” actions.
You can’t use the same action multiple times in the same turn, unless it specifically says you can.
Even if you’re Downed, you can still fight!
When it’s not your turn, you can:
Call your Reaction (the black/yellow skill), when the condition is met
Call your Interrupt (the black/white skill), at the start of any other player’s turn