XSYS Arena

Because balance is overrated.

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Recap 7/29: Sandbag's Revenge's Revenge's Revenge's Revenge

30 Jul 2023 - XSYS Team

Heroes: Amara (Arcanimist), Herringway (Arbiter), Rue (Wrathguard), Dragoshi (Profaner), DB (Bouncer, late-join)

We only had four to start, so I awarded the hero team an Imperial Seal: one intervention of their choice, if the entire team agreed.

Rue warped all over the field, blocking everything with Guard Chase, while Dragoshi swept the field clear with Ortho Sabarta and Dust Sweep, as well as using Convergent Ray to pierce Back Line! The heroes dealt a lot of damage to the targets and cut them down as fast as Sandbag could prop them up…

But, with only four heroes, every time they finished cutting down the targets… there wasn’t any time left to damage the boss itself!

When Daebaxi showed up late, I offered to take the Imperial Seal for a late join, and DB was game, leaping in as a Bouncer. Immediately, the battle’s momentum pivoted– Dragoshi smashed through the targets, and DB cut down Sandbag’s HP.

When the timer hit four hours, Sandbag pulled out Off Waves despite not having a limit break, levitating into the air and glowing… but one last push from the group was enough to cut through the last of its HP just a few ticks before it could resolve, squeaking out a win!

I awarded 250 Pyroxene, 250 Z, and 1000 nuyen for the victory.

Thanks for playing! Next month, the first proper fight: a real heart-pounding fight, with mechanics you won’t be able to forget!