XSYS Kode Class Data
\\\ Basic Skills (Hero Tech) ///
Simple core skills every fighter has access to, no matter their class. Basic attacks are rarely the best option, but the basic support abilities can be surprisingly useful.
Basic Skills skills: Fight, Shoot, Spark, First Aid, Use Item, Grab Item, Pass Item, Revive, Wait, Dab, Brace, [R] Swan Song
Fight (Hero Tech): 110%, P35. A single blow with an improvised technique. In the wise words of the ancients, "Only trust your fists. Police will never help you." (1E, 1 TP)
Shoot (Hero Tech): 110%, R35. A thrown improvised weapon. When in doubt, point and click. (1E, 1 TP)
Spark (Hero Tech): 110%, M35. A blast of improvised magic. Or pyrotechnics. Same thing, really. (1E, 1 TP)
First Aid (Hero Tech): [100%], H30. Patch up an ally with basic arena bandages. (1A/!S, 1 TP)
Use Item (Hero Tech): Crack open a consumable or swing some legendary sword. If you've never seen anything like this weird object before, just wing it! Use an item you're holding. TP cost depends on the item, but is usually 1 TP. Repeatable, as long as you're using different items. (* TP)
Grab Item (Hero Tech): Snag an item to use later. Pick up a single item from the arena floor. Spend 1 TP to take it directly from a willing target's inventory, or snag multiple items from the arena floor. (0 TP)
Pass Item (Hero Tech): Hand off an item. Transfer a single item to a willing target, or drop any number of items to the arena floor. Spend 1 TP to pass any number of items. (0 TP)
Revive (Hero Tech): Offer someone your hand, and get them back on their feet. Clear Downed on an ally, restoring them to 1 HP. (2 TP)
Wait (Hero Tech): Hold your fire for just a little bit longer. Reduce your own CT by 50. (3 TP)
Dab (Hero Tech): Strike a pose, if there's nothing else to do. Consume 1 TP with no action. Repeatable. (1 TP)
Brace (Hero Tech): Hold the line, whatever it takes. Gain the Brace status: the next time you'd be Downed, endure with 1 HP instead. (1 TP)
[R] Swan Song (Hero Tech): When it seems like all that's left is to fall, you must never give up hope! When you defeat an enemy while Downed, remove Downed from yourself and restore 1 HP.
Attack Classes
\\\ Profaner (Dark Blast) ///
A simple all-offense class, Profaners channel a connection to the Profound Darkness to single-handedly wipe entire armies off the field with powerful antiphoton techniques. Anyone can use the Profaner effectively, if they're willing to pay the price for their power. Inspired by the Phantasy Star Online 2 mechanic "Dark Blast."
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 110 / P-DEF 80 / P-ACC 110 / P-EVD 130]
R [R-ATK 100 / R-DEF 90 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 120]
M [M-ATK 110 / M-DEF 90 / M-ACC 110 / M-EVD 120]
Profaner skills: [M] Falz Gear, [S] Hunger for Destruction, Dust Sweep, Ortho Sabarta, Convergent Ray, Tyrant Strike, Infinity Rush, Punishment Knuckle, Black-Gold Thorn, White-Gold Rose, [I] Black Hole, [R] Violence Step, [LB] Red Queen Arrival, [LB] Pure White Darkness, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Falz Gear (Dark Blast): Gain the "Antiphoton" Job Gauge (max 350). This gauge fills when inflicting damage, or when defeating enemies. When the gauge overfills, create a Shadow Photon item.
[S] Hunger for Destruction (Dark Blast, 250 Px): Surpass your limits. Let nothing stop you. If you have no Shadow Photons, you can pay a Shadow Photon cost by inflicting yourself with Corrupted instead.
Dust Sweep (Dark Blast, 200 Px): 100%, M25. A spherical energy field that wipes away foot soldiers. Against mooks, -5 CT. (3E, 1 TP)
Ortho Sabarta (Dark Blast, 100 Px): 100%, M40. Homing ice lances through the air. Exhaust: target all enemies. (1E/AE, 1 TP)
Convergent Ray (Dark Blast, 100 Px): 90%, M50. An overwhelming laser fired from the palm that punches straight through its target. Charge (add Delay 6) to remove certain guard, block, and damage-reduction effects. (2E, 1 TP)
Tyrant Strike (Dark Blast, 100 Px): 110%, P40. Backflip into the air, then descend in a jumpkick, surrounded by a massive cone of purple energy. On a crit, inflicts Defend Down. On a smash, inflicts Defend Down II. (1E, 1 TP)
Infinity Rush (Dark Blast, 100 Px): 95%, 1-6x P10. Repeatedly attack until you miss. If you reach five hits, the sixth becomes a P30 finisher. If you Down your target, you can choose another target. (1E, 1 TP)
Punishment Knuckle (Dark Blast, 100 Px): 95%, P40. An overwhelming single punch. Add Delay 1 up to six times to add 5 power for each. (1E, 1 TP)
Black-Gold Thorn (Dark Blast, 150 Px): Draw upon crystallized power and welcome it into your heart. Consume two Shadow Photons. Clear Exhaust. (1 TP)
White-Gold Rose (Dark Blast, 150 Px): Embody the Profound Darkness and welcome it into your mind. Consume a Shadow Photon. Until the end of this turn, your physical accuracy and magic power are boosted. (0 TP)
[I] Black Hole (Dark Blast, 250 Px): Photomagnetic vortex draws units close together. Consume a Shadow Photon, then choose three targets. Until the end of this turn, any effect that targets one now targets all of them.
[R] Violence Step (Dark Blast, 250 Px): [50%]. When targeted by an attack, consume a Shadow Photon. You're immune to that attack, and you gain Power Up for one turn.
[LB] Red Queen Arrival (Dark Blast, 125 Px): 100%, F40. Call forth a corrupted ARKS mech to follow you instinctively. Gain the Red Queen status: the first time each turn you hit with an attack, add an extra 40-power attack to one of the skill's targets, at random. (1E)
[LB] Pure White Darkness (Dark Blast, 125 Px): 100%, P250. The ultimate technique of gold and black wings. Freezes a single unit in time-distortion and summons a set of four floating swords. On hit, inflict Stop for 4 ticks, and the target can't react or interrupt until their next turn. (1E)
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Bouncer (Jet Pursuit) ///
An elegant and stylish offense class, Bouncers use a rocket-polearm to launch wildly after enemies, striking down to propel themselves back up. They soar through the air with stored magic charge streaming behind them, striking stylish poses the whole time. Truly, these are the residents of the sky. Inspired by the traditional Kode class "Dragoon," and a few other things...
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 110 / P-DEF 90 / P-ACC 120 / P-EVD 130]
R [R-ATK 100 / R-DEF 80 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 130]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 90 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 120]
Bouncer skills: [M] Rebound, [S] Storm Chaser, Tetraseal Rush, Jetsweep Dive, Meteor Impact, Assist Powder, Blast Powder, Aerial Chase, Wyvern Wing Jump, Shooting Star, [I] Extract Steal, [R] Wiredrive Escape, [LB] Black Hot Victory, [LB] Power in Your Soul, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Rebound (Jet Pursuit): With each hit, you build glowing magical charge that streams behind you. Gain the "Combo" Job Gauge (max 20). When you attack and hit, increase Combo by 1 for each hit. When attacks miss you, increase Combo by 1. If all hits of your attack miss, reset Combo to 0.
[S] Storm Chaser (Jet Pursuit, 200 Px): You're harder to hit when you're moving-- and you're always moving. While you have Delay or a Combo over 5, all Evade stats rise by 5.
Tetraseal Rush (Jet Pursuit, 150 Px): 85%, 4x P15. A rapid-fire spinning set of hits with both ends of the polearm. (1E, 1 TP)
Jetsweep Dive (Jet Pursuit, 150 Px): 90%, 3x P20. A triple-dive that pushes the target's evasion to its limits. If your spear doesn't catch them, your kick might. If this raises your Combo over 7, it adds an additional guaranteed hit that resets Combo and deals 5 * Combo. (1E, 1 TP)
Meteor Impact (Jet Pursuit, 125 Px): 110%, P??, Delay 4. A single strike straight through the foe, the only light your shining rocket blade. On hit, reset Combo; base power is 10 * Combo. On miss, keep Combo. (1E, 1 TP)
Assist Powder (Jet Pursuit, 100 Px): [100%], H??. Vent your magical charge into healing energy, getting your team back on their feet. Consume any amount of Combo, adding 10 power per point. (2A, 1 TP)
Blast Powder (Jet Pursuit, 100 Px): [100%], M??. Detonate your magical charge in a shining explosion so big it guarantees a hit. Consume any amount of Combo, adding 5 power per point. (1E, 1 TP)
Aerial Chase (Jet Pursuit, 125 Px): Dash after a retreating enemy, extending your chance to bounce one more time. If your last attack this turn missed, restore your combo. (0 TP)
Wyvern Wing Jump (Jet Pursuit, 200 Px): 95%, P40, Delay 2. Vault high into the air and come crashing down-- or prepare to rocket out of the way of an incoming attack! On hit, gain an additional 2 Combo. (1E, 1 TP)
Shooting Star (Jet Pursuit, 150 Px): Twirl in the air and strike a pose. Blasting your own theme music is optional. If you have at least 5 Combo, gain Hit Up. (1 TP)
[I] Extract Steal (Jet Pursuit, 250 Px): Slip past the target, snagging a little of their power. Steal a single status effect from the unit starting their turn... or duplicate a status effect that one of you has, and apply it to both of you. Once per turn cycle. (The ref will tell you if an effect will only be copied instead of stolen, or can't be copied at all.)
[R] Wiredrive Escape (Jet Pursuit, 200 Px): Rocket out of harm's way at the last possible moment. When you're hit while Delaying, reset your Delay and dodge the hit.
[LB] Black Hot Victory (Jet Pursuit, 125 Px): Push your polearm into overdrive, blasting wildly through the air. Until the end of this turn, your Combo can't go down. At the end of the turn, reset Combo.
[LB] Power in Your Soul (Jet Pursuit, 125 Px): Embody elegant combat, grinding and wall-running with flair and style. Gain the "Funky Jumper" status: When your Combo would decrease by more than 3, it decreases by 3 instead.
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Scion (Successor Arts) ///
A versatile, agile offensive class that switches fluidly between physical and ranged attacks. Drawing out the Scion's full potential requires carefully thinking through your combo tree, but a truly skilled one can be both devastating and untouchable. Inspired by the PSO2 Scion Classes "Hero" and "Luster."
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 110 / P-DEF 100 / P-ACC 110 / P-EVD 110]
R [R-ATK 110 / R-DEF 100 / R-ACC 110 / R-EVD 120]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 100 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 110]
Scion skills: [M] High Voltage, Neutral Rapid, Scion Time, Fomel Blast, Zandi Cut, Baran Buster, Scion Gear, Leaping Dodge, [R] Step Evade, [I] Part Break, [LB] Star's Successor, [LB] Ace of Scions, [S] Boosted CT
[M] High Voltage (Successor Arts): Those flashy explosions aren't just for show-- the more you hit, the more charged photons surround you, waiting to be put to use. Gain the "Voltage" Job Gauge (max 10). When you deal damage, increase Voltage by 1. When you reach max Voltage, gain Power Up. When you're Downed, reset Voltage to 0.
Neutral Rapid (Successor Arts, 200 Px): 80%, 3x R20. Hold down the trigger and fill the air with weak neutral-photon shots. Exhaust: Accuracy +30%. (1-3E, 1 TP)
Scion Time (Successor Arts, 200 Px): A stylish snap of the fingers ends one combo, and supercharges the next. Consumes all Voltage (at least 5). Clears Exhaust, and your next attack gains [5x Voltage] base power. If you have "Successor", gain Defend Up. (0 TP)
Fomel Blast (Successor Arts, 200 Px): 100%, P30. A sudden backstep into swirling shadow, chaining into a lunge wreathed in flame. If last skill was physical: power +20 only if you have 3 or more Voltage. If last skill was ranged: you may spend any amount of Voltage to add that many targets. (1E, 1 TP)
Zandi Cut (Successor Arts, 200 Px): 80%, P40. A single lightning-quick swing of the gunslash, projecting a blade-slash of wind. If last skill was physical: accuracy +30%. If last skill was ranged: power +30. (1E, 1 TP)
Baran Buster (Successor Arts, 200 Px): 90%, R35. A reflecting shot that splits into more prismatic colors with each bounce. If last skill was physical: inflict your choice of Stat Down. If last skill was ranged: inflict Poison. (1E, 1 TP)
Scion Gear (Successor Arts, 150 Px): Release built-up photon charge in a five-pointed ARKS-star flash. Exhaust. Your next Scion attack this turn gains both conditional benefits and either +25 power or an additional target. If you have "Successor", choose twice. (0 TP)
Leaping Dodge (Successor Arts, 150 Px): Seemingly-useless skill ring catapults you into the air, but provides iframes. Become Invincible for 3 ticks. Once per battle. (3 TP)
[R] Step Evade (Successor Arts, 200 Px): Backflip through an attack's hitbox, iframes delivering you safely to the other side. Once per turn, when you'd be hit by an attack, Exhaust and dodge the attack entirely.
[I] Part Break (Successor Arts, 250 Px): Shatter a piece of the target's armor, knocking them out of their animation. Reduce target's CT by 3 * your current Voltage, then set your Voltage to 0. (Targeting the unit starting their turn does not prevent the turn from starting.)
[LB] Star's Successor (Successor Arts, 125 Px): Surpass the heroes who came before you, and carve a path for those who'll follow. Clear Exhaust, then gain the Successor status, which modifies Scion Time and Scion Gear.
[LB] Ace of Scions (Successor Arts, 125 Px): Convert a Photon Blast into an overpowering aura of light, readying a devastating combo finisher. Gain the Ace of Scions status: your next Scion Time or Part Break treats your Voltage as double the maximum.
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Decider (Vanguard Pilot) ///
A powerful and heavy offensive class, Deciders take to the field in a Vanguard, a three-meter-tall mech suit with a shoulder-mounted railgun originally built for military use. Experts at dealing damage and controlling the battlefield, these heavy machines can dance and weave through the front lines, blazing open a path for their forces. Inspired by the Xbox game "Steel Battalion."
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 110 / P-DEF 130 / P-ACC 110 / P-EVD 90 ]
R [R-ATK 110 / R-DEF 120 / R-ACC 110 / R-EVD 90 ]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 120 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 90 ]
Decider skills: [M] Vanguard Tank, HSD Railgun, Magdump, Call Supply Drop, Smoothbore Rifle, Chaingun, Forecast Shot System, Shoulder Charge, Plasma Torch, Overdrive, Battery Drive, [R] Boost Dash, [I] Volcanic Howitzer, [LB] Prominence, [LB] Cutter Boom, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Vanguard Tank (Vanguard Pilot): You pilot a mech that chews through power and ammunition, fast. Gain the "Battery" Job Gauge (max 100, starts at 50). Battery charges over time, at 1% per tick. In addition, enter battle with 4 clipazines.
HSD Railgun (Vanguard Pilot, 150 Px): 100%, R100, Delay 4. A single shot so powerful the magnetic field disrupts monitors and sensors for kilometers around. Exhaust and consume 30% Battery. (1E, 1 TP)
Magdump (Vanguard Pilot, 250 Px): Rapidly reload to cancel the recoil animation. Consume one clipazine and clear Exhaust. Repeatable... but purists would call that an exploit. (0 TP)
Call Supply Drop (Vanguard Pilot, 200 Px): Dial the supply ship Argus and request a chopper with additional ammo. In 20 ticks, refresh your clipazines. Only one supply drop per player can be in progress at a time. (1 TP)
Smoothbore Rifle (Vanguard Pilot, 175 Px): 95%, 1-3x R25. One to three shots of massive 315mm ammunition. Choose 1, 2, or 3 shots. Single-shot mode gains +15% accuracy and inflicts Defend Down on hit. Triple-shot mode Exhausts you. (1E, 1 TP)
Chaingun (Vanguard Pilot, 75 Px): 90%, R10. A heavy gatling gun that clears out objectives. Attacks minimum 5 times, with extra targets selected randomly. (1E/AE, 1 TP)
Forecast Shot System (Vanguard Pilot, 75 Px): A 2nd-gen system that automatically predicts the target's movement. Consume 10% Battery. Next attack this turn has +15% accuracy and ignores reactions. Repeatable, but doesn't stack with itself. (0 TP)
Shoulder Charge (Vanguard Pilot, 150 Px): [75%]. Rush the target and collide face-first, attempting to knock them down. Reduces target's CT by 1d10+10. (1 TP)
Plasma Torch (Vanguard Pilot, 75 Px): 80%, P60. The last-resort weapon of every VT: a point-blank torch that can core straight through a cockpit. On hit, inflicts Evade Down. (1E, 1 TP)
Overdrive (Vanguard Pilot, 125 Px): Chew through fuel for more power. Consume 10% Battery, then add 20 power and "Delay: 3 ticks" to your next attack. (0 TP)
Battery Drive (Vanguard Pilot, 125 Px): A moment's tactical retreat to let the reactor recharge can mean winning the war. Gain 3d4+6 Battery. (1 TP)
[R] Boost Dash (Vanguard Pilot, 250 Px): Dash into an ally and knock them out of the way. Once per turn, when an ally is hit by an attack, you take the hit instead. Clear Exhaust.
[I] Volcanic Howitzer (Vanguard Pilot, 100 Px): Launch a curving mortar shot that excels at flushing targets out from behind cover. Consume 5% Battery. Add Hit Up or Hit Down to the unit starting their turn. For 20%, make it Rank III.
[LB] Prominence (Vanguard Pilot, 125 Px): Requisition the deployment of a special next-generation reactor. Gain the "Prominence" status: Battery gain per tick becomes 4%, and your Railgun shots have no base delay.
[LB] Cutter Boom (Vanguard Pilot, 125 Px): 100%, P250. Swing free a whole-ass chainsaw on an extending lance. On a miss, does not consume your LB charge, but reuse costs minimum 1 TP. (1E)
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Rosecutter (Last Ancient) ///
An unrelenting pure-offense class, the Rosecutter is the planet's vengeance made flesh. The lifestream flows at their command, weaving them new materia to crush in their fists, releasing surges of raw magical power with each sweep of their staff. With careful use of its defensive reactions to make up for its weak defenses, the Rosecutter can be a terrifying opponent, even standing alone. Inspired by Final Fantasy VII...?
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 120 / P-DEF 90 / P-ACC 100 / P-EVD 120]
R [R-ATK 100 / R-DEF 100 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 110]
M [M-ATK 120 / M-DEF 100 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 110]
Rosecutter skills: [M] Energy Breaker, [S] Raise the Earth, Firaga Impulse, Thundaga Divide, Blizzaga Crown, Coralga Scour, Stonega Shatter, Aeroga Vortex, Ultima Dominion, Graviga Abyss, Pearlega Answer, Omnisphere Gatling, Drainga Devour, Fuse Materia, [I] With a Steel Chair, [R] Miraga Phantasm, [R] Protega Parry, [LB] Collect, [LB] Unmake, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Energy Breaker (Last Ancient): The cry for justice from every murdered Ancient flows through you, like lightning seeks the earth. When you use a skill with the keyword Crush, you may destroy one of each listed materia type to gain that benefit. You may Crush for the same action multiple times, if you have enough materia.
[S] Raise the Earth (Last Ancient, 200 Px): The lifestream swirls around you. Crystals of elemental energy form in the air, floating at your side, waiting for you to take them. When entering battle and at the end of your turn, draw elemental materia (fire, ice, or lightning) at random, until you have five.
Firaga Impulse (Last Ancient, 50 Px): 100%, P20. Launch yourself into a shoulder-tackle gap-closer, or backflip away with an earth-shaking blast of flame. Crush[Fire]: Base power +100%. If 3+ were used, on hit, add Defend Down II for 10 ticks. (1E, 1 TP)
Thundaga Divide (Last Ancient, 50 Px): 95%, M20. Split stone in twain with a goddess's strike from a clear sky. Crush[Lightning]: On hit, add another hit for each Lightning crushed. If 3+ were used, the last hit is a guaranteed crit. (1E, 1 TP)
Blizzaga Crown (Last Ancient, 50 Px): 105%, M50. Freeze groundwater and create a geyser of razor-sharp ice. Crush[Ice]: On hit, add Evade Down for 10 ticks (extra becomes Hit Up on yourself). If 3+ were used, draw a materia. (1E, 1 TP)
Coralga Scour (Last Ancient, 50 Px): 90%, P35. Summon a crushing wave impact to batter the target against sharp-edged coral. Crush[Fire + Ice]: Base power +100%. (1E, 1 TP)
Stonega Shatter (Last Ancient, 50 Px): 100%, P30. Weaken the ground until volcanic pressure explodes through, sending the target high into the sky. Crush[Fire + Lightning]: Base power +100%. (1E, 1 TP)
Aeroga Vortex (Last Ancient, 50 Px): 110%, M25. If the point-blank shotgun-blast of hurricane-force winds don't take care of your target, the landing will. Crush[Ice + Lightning]: Base power +100%. (1E, 1 TP)
Ultima Dominion (Last Ancient, 100 Px): 100%, M45. The planet weaves a ley line underneath your foe, and you bring forth an earthsplitting fountain of raw magic from beneath them. Crush[Fire + Ice + Lightning]: Base power +100%, and on hit, inflict "Air Juggle." Any ally may consume it as a 0 TP action to make their next accuracy roll against this target a crit. (1E, 1 TP)
Graviga Abyss (Last Ancient, 100 Px): 100%, P45. Focus the twin gravity of the planet and moon on your target, pinning them to the spot. Crush[Fire + Ice + Lightning]: Base power +100%, and on hit, inflict "Complete Darkness," reducing the power of their next attack by half. (1E, 1 TP)
Pearlega Answer (Last Ancient, 175 Px): [100%], H40. Pour the lifestream directly into yourself or an ally, until their eyes glow with raw power. Add Defend Up II for 8 ticks. If you've already crushed all three elements this turn, also add 20 ticks of "Demiverse" to the target, restoring 3% of their HP each time they hit an enemy. Crush[Any]: Base power +25%. (1A, 1 TP)
Omnisphere Gatling (Last Ancient, 175 Px): 100%, 0-20x P8. Levitate every cracked shard of shattered materia-glass you've spent in this combat chain, then launch them all rapid-fire from every direction. Hits equal to number of materia crushed this turn. If you crushed all three elements this turn, add an additional P40 explosion. (1E, 1 TP)
Drainga Devour (Last Ancient, 100 Px): 110%, M30. Exert the planet's power over life, and extract raw elemental energy directly from a foe's body. On hit, draw a materia. If this downs the target, convert their body into a unique materia, gain "Go Again" (gain 1 TP), and this skill becomes repeatable until end of turn. (1E, 1 TP)
Fuse Materia (Last Ancient, 200 Px): Crush two materia in the same hand, then weave the surge of power rushing through your fingers into a new materia. Crush[Any + Any]: Generate one materia of your choice. If you Crush this at least once, gain Evade Up. (You can't use materia generated by this skill to pay this cost.) (0 TP)
[I] With a Steel Chair (Last Ancient, 100 Px): [100%], F10. Use a thrown materia's explosion to launch a foreign object toward you, catch it out of the air, and smash the target over the head. To use this skill, redraw a materia. Inflict 10 damage to the unit starting their turn. (1E)
[R] Miraga Phantasm (Last Ancient, 150 Px): Crush a materia to produce a vision of a yet-possible future. This fate can still be changed. When an effect rolls a random number, redraw a materia and reroll the effect. You must take the new roll, even if it's worse. When used, goes on cooldown until the start of your next turn, and shares a cooldown with Protega Parry.
[R] Protega Parry (Last Ancient, 150 Px): [40%]. Shut your eyes, sense the shudders of the lifestream… and knock an incoming blade off its mark with the round, blunt surface of a materia. When targeted by an attack, expend one materia. If successful, dodge all hits from this attack. When used, goes on cooldown until the start of your next turn, and shares a cooldown with Miraga Phantasm.
[LB] Collect (Last Ancient, 125 Px): Draw forth raw power from the Lifestream. Each strike drains the target's life into new materia, glittering in your clenched fist. Let them witness the birth of a god. Gain the "Crisis" status: draw one materia after each TP spent.
[LB] Unmake (Last Ancient, 125 Px): 125%, M125. Revoke the planet's gift of life. Reduce your opponent to base elemental forces, leaving nothing behind. If this downs a target, at the end of your turn, create a unique materia. Crush[Any]: Base power +25. (1E)
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
Support Classes
\\\ Sharker (Takoyaki Tactics) ///
A simple support class, the Sharker is healer, frontline warrior and tactician, all squid-rolled into one. By carefully managing their ink tank’s reserves and painting their foes into corners, a good Sharker can easily turn the tide. Inspired by Splatoon.
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 100 / P-DEF 120 / P-ACC 100 / P-EVD 90 ]
R [R-ATK 110 / R-DEF 130 / R-ACC 110 / R-EVD 100]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 120 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 90 ]
Sharker skills: [M] Turf Warrior, [I] Sub Strafe, [S] Ink Recovery Up, [R] Dualies Dash, Super Jump, Burst Aid, Tacticooler, Bubble Shield, Submerge, Zimmis Ambush, Anchor Charge, Clash Blaster, Slosher Skirmish, Splashdown, [LB] Cruzin' Cooler, [LB] Calamari Inkantation, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Turf Warrior (Takoyaki Tactics): Fighting with ink lets you pin down your enemies, while your allies close in. Gain the "Ink" Job Gauge (max 90, starts at 90). When you inflict damage on a target, automatically consume 5 Ink, and the target gains a stack of Paint (up to 10). For each stack of Paint, an enemy's Evade stats are slightly reduced. One stack of Paint wears off every 1-3 ticks.
[I] Sub Strafe (Takoyaki Tactics, 150 Px): Coverage around the enemy team allows disappearing into the painted ground. If you have five or more stacks of Paint on the unit starting their turn, immediately use Submerge.
[S] Ink Recovery Up (Takoyaki Tactics, 150 Px): Skill is important, but style is everything. When you take damage, gain 5 Ink.
[R] Dualies Dash (Takoyaki Tactics, 200 Px): Dodge-roll out of the way of an ink-slowed opponent. 20 Ink. When targeted by an enemy with 5 or more Paint stacks, dodge the hit.
Super Jump (Takoyaki Tactics, 150 Px): Pinned down too far forward, in the middle of a firefight you know you can't win? Just jump out! Restore 20+3d10 Ink. Repeatable. (1 TP)
Burst Aid (Takoyaki Tactics, 150 Px): [100%], H50. Distracting a foe with Burst Bombs allows an ally a moment of relief to automatically recover. Add 1 Paint to one target. (1E, 1 TP)
Tacticooler (Takoyaki Tactics, 100 Px): Pop open a stand with two cans of cola: one for you, and one for an ally. First hero to claim it gains Hit Up. Unclaimed charges drop to the arena floor as items. Only your team can use them. (1A/S, 1 TP)
Bubble Shield (Takoyaki Tactics, 175 Px): Launch an intimidating floating pink bubble... all to buy your teammates a chance to catch their breath safely behind it. 30 Ink. Targets gain Regen (self-ok). (2A, 1 TP)
Submerge (Takoyaki Tactics, 100 Px): Drop into the ink you've left around the battlefield to recover your own tank, then pop back out to resume the fight! Gain the Submerge status: Gain a small boost to all Evade stats, and recover 3 Ink each tick. When you're hit or when you attack, lose Submerge and gain 10 Ink. (1 TP)
Zimmis Ambush (Takoyaki Tactics, 100 Px): 80%, 5x R15. Charge the Zink Mini Splatling minigun until its ink tank shakes, and unleash it on some poor slowed-down soul right as they come around the corner! Repeatable, for 10 Ink. (1E, 1 TP)
Anchor Charge (Takoyaki Tactics, 100 Px): 110%, 2x R20. A slowly-charging sniper shot that perfectly controls the pace of the battle, sowing chaos right as your allies gather to push. Delay 1-8. On hit, add 2 Paint. (1E, 1 TP)
Clash Blaster (Takoyaki Tactics, 100 Px): 100%, R20. A wide burst that splatters ink everywhere. (3E, 1 TP)
Slosher Skirmish (Takoyaki Tactics, 125 Px): [100%], H??. Initiate a fight, toying with the enemy, to allow your team time to get into position. Pick a single target: base power is equal to their Paint x20. If their Paint's over 8, target an extra ally. (S/1A, 1 TP)
Splashdown (Takoyaki Tactics, 150 Px): Leap up, and punch down into your own ink, splattering it everywhere. 25 Ink. Distribute four levels of Paint among any targets. (1 TP)
[LB] Cruzin' Cooler (Takoyaki Tactics, 125 Px): An upgraded Tacticooler with a gasoline engine. Adds 80 CT to a single ally.
[LB] Calamari Inkantation (Takoyaki Tactics, 125 Px): Blare loud music, rallying your teammates behind you. Make sure to call out the Tenta Missiles! Gain the "Woomy!" status: passively gain 2 Ink each tick. Stacks with Submerge.
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Arcanimist (Lost Arcanima) ///
A support class that provides buffs, healing, and shielding to their allies, Arcanimists are the last bearers of the art of controlling floating magitek pylons called distaves, thought lost to history during the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Inspired by what information exists of the unimplemented FFXIV 1.0 class "Arcanist."
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 90 / P-DEF 120 / P-ACC 100 / P-EVD 100]
R [R-ATK 90 / R-DEF 120 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 100]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 130 / M-ACC 120 / M-EVD 100]
Arcanimist skills: [M] Gifted Arcanima, Create Distaff, Deploy Distaff, Imbue Distaff, Animate Distaff, Recall Distaff, Spindle Winding, Upgrade Distaff, Raise, Arcane Needle, [I] Interject, [R] Gear Bloom, [LB] Arcanimistic Eukrasia, [LB] Warp and Weft, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Gifted Arcanima (Lost Arcanima): A student of a lost art that unifies magic, technology, and arcane geometry. Gain the "Anima" Job Gauge (max 7, starts at 7). Consume 2 Anima to reduce the TP cost of a non-damaging skill by 1. In addition, start battle with two undeployed distaves.
Create Distaff (Lost Arcanima, 150 Px): Weave a fresh magitek pylon out of thin air. It floats beside you, waiting to be deployed. Creates a single undeployed distaff. 1 Anima: Make this 0 TP. Repeatable. (1 TP)
Deploy Distaff (Lost Arcanima, 200 Px): Plant a distaff in the ground beside an ally. Deploys a single undeployed distaff to a target without one. 1 Anima: Make this 0 TP. Repeatable. (1T, 1 TP)
Imbue Distaff (Lost Arcanima, 150 Px): Imbue a distaff with a sigil, then send it forth to apply it in a bloom of arcane patterns. Choose one Stat Up or Stat Down status, and apply it to a target with a distaff for 20 ticks. Repeatable. (1T, 1 TP)
Animate Distaff (Lost Arcanima, 200 Px): [100%], H50. Spins a deployed distaff's gears, remotely activating it. Destroy a deployed distaff. It heals its target (H50, +25 for each upgrade). 1 Anima: Add an additional target. Repeatable. (1T, 1 TP)
Recall Distaff (Lost Arcanima, 100 Px): Recalls a deployed distaff to your hand. Remove a distaff from a unit, resetting its upgrades. Gain 1 Anima and an undeployed distaff. Repeatable. (0 TP)
Spindle Winding (Lost Arcanima, 175 Px): Creates a shining weave of threads around a target, entangling incoming blows. Choose a deployed distaff. Grants Barrier<30> to that target. Repeatable. (1T, 1 TP)
Upgrade Distaff (Lost Arcanima, 150 Px): Unfolds extra wings from a deployed distaff, increasing potency. Upgrades both the level of status effects applied with Imbue Distaff and healing power (+25 per level, upgradeable twice). Repeatable. (1 TP)
Raise (Lost Arcanima, 100 Px): Cross-class skill from Conjurer, probably. Restores life to a Downed ally, setting them to 25% HP. Spend an additional TP to restore them to 100% HP. Repeatable. (1 TP)
Arcane Needle (Lost Arcanima, 150 Px): 100%, M40. Snags a distaff out of the air and swings it, firing a bolt of light. If you don't have an undeployed distaff, halve base power. Gain 1 Anima. (1E, 1 TP)
[I] Interject (Lost Arcanima, 175 Px): Launch a distaff into the ground at an ally's feet. Consume 1 Anima. Deploy a distaff.
[R] Gear Bloom (Lost Arcanima, 200 Px): [100%]. Detonate a deployed distaff to heal the ally taking shelter behind it. When an action is either declared or finishes resolving, destroy a distaff, and heal its target for a fixed 75 HP. 1 Anima: Move another deployed distaff first.
[LB] Arcanimistic Eukrasia (Lost Arcanima, 125 Px): The culmination of magitek: your distaves fire on all cylinders. Grants Eukrasia status: when you activate distaves, they're always treated as max level.
[LB] Warp and Weft (Lost Arcanima, 125 Px): Lift your allies by the very threads of fate, if you have to. This turn, your healing has doubled base power and can bring Downed allies back to life.
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Wrathguard (Four Quadrants) ///
A defensive class, the Wrathguard fights with massive greatsword and fist interchangeably, knocking aside their opponents' blows. With their powerful reactions, they often fight almost as much outside their turn as they do on their own turn, defending by interrupting and intercepting enemy attacks. Inspired (loosely) by 14th century German longsword techniques.
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 110 / P-DEF 130 / P-ACC 110 / P-EVD 90 ]
R [R-ATK 100 / R-DEF 130 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 90 ]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 120 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 90 ]
Wrathguard skills: [M] Blade and Fist, [S] Time of the Hand, [R] Guard Chase, [R] Rising Strike, [R] Pommel Strike, [R] Rally the Rearguard, Deep Breath, Nachreisen, Mordschlag, Zornhau, Alberhuten, False Edge, Salute, [LB] True Art of the Blade, [LB] Wild Rauschen, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Blade and Fist (Four Quadrants): You fight with both sword and open palm, where your life depends on your skill and no move is illegal. Gain the "Breath" Job Gauge (max 250). When you take damage, increase the gauge by the damage value.
[S] Time of the Hand (Four Quadrants, 125 Px): That which you can't dodge, you can block behind your massive greatsword. While Exhausted, increase all Defense stats by 15.
[R] Guard Chase (Four Quadrants, 200 Px): Leap in front of an attack, attempting to block the blow with your massive blade. When an enemy attacks, choose a target who's been hit, and grant them the Cover status. Until the end of the turn, you take all damage for that unit, slightly reduced.
[R] Rising Strike (Four Quadrants, 250 Px): [75%]. Swing up and catch the opponent with the reverse edge of your blade. When an enemy attacks you, Exhaust. On hit, cancel the attack, still consuming resources; the target can't use that skill this turn.
[R] Pommel Strike (Four Quadrants, 150 Px): [100%]. A desperate rushing blow to the face that briefly stuns the target. Cooldown 8. When an enemy attacks you, inflict Power Down for one tick. If it's a crit or smash, inflict Defend Down too. If it's a smash, inflict Hit Down too.
[R] Rally the Rearguard (Four Quadrants, 250 Px): [100%]. Lead from the front lines, with your allies beside you. You'll hold the line, together as one! 10 Breath. When any single hero is hit by an attack, become targeted as well. Any number of allies may also activate this. Reduce the power by 5% for each hero joining, then divide the power by the number of heroes. Consume a LB charge to take a second share of the damage.
Deep Breath (Four Quadrants, 100 Px): [100%], H??. Fall back a step and take a breather, healing yourself or an ally. Reset your Breath; power equals Breath/3. If Breath was 100 or higher, clear Exhaust on yourself. (1T, 1 TP)
Nachreisen (Four Quadrants, 100 Px): 95%, P50. A "traveling after" strike that hits the target immediately after their own blow. If the target's CT is 35 or less, a miss becomes a hit, a hit becomes a critical, and a critical becomes a smash. (1E, 1 TP)
Mordschlag (Four Quadrants, 100 Px): 110%, P40. A killing blow; in the Wrathguard tradition, a leg-sweep into a cross-side slash. (1E, 1 TP)
Zornhau (Four Quadrants, 125 Px): 80%, P70. One of the five master strikes: a wide overhand sweep with a long, armored animation. Delay 4. On use, gain Defend Up for 4 ticks. Add another TP to make this target all enemies. (1E, 1 TP)
Alberhuten (Four Quadrants, 100 Px): 100%, P30. The fool's guard, blade pointed down. A deceptively good defensive stance, leading into a strike with the false edge. On hit, gain 3d3+6 Breath. (1E, 1 TP)
False Edge (Four Quadrants, 150 Px): That was just a feint, to force them off-balance! If you've missed this turn, increase the base accuracy of your next attack by 20. (0 TP)
Salute (Four Quadrants, 100 Px): Toss your opponent a salute, whether it's the full hand or just one finger. Add Hit Up to yourself and one ally. (S+1A, 1 TP)
[LB] True Art of the Blade (Four Quadrants, 125 Px): Perfect focus, perfect skill. This is what you've been training for. Let all else melt away. Gain the "True Art" status: steadily gain 5 Breath each tick.
[LB] Wild Rauschen (Four Quadrants, 125 Px): 120%, 3x P80. A rush of strikes that send blade-on-blade sparks racing through the air. Increase your Breath by half the damage inflicted. (1E)
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Arbiter (Calling Card) ///
A versatile and highly-tactical support class, the Arbiter is the latest student in a long tradition of RCP technicians. They draw "calling cards" from the callscript, summoning allies from distant worlds and sending them leaping into the fray at just the right moment. A skilled Arbiter always has the perfect card up their sleeve. Inspired by standard arena classes like "RCP Tech" and "SeeD."
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 100 / P-DEF 110 / P-ACC 100 / P-EVD 120]
R [R-ATK 100 / R-DEF 110 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 100]
M [M-ATK 100 / M-DEF 110 / M-ACC 100 / M-EVD 120]
Arbiter skills: [M] Summon Disc, Redraw, Summon Assist, Summon Defender, Summon Supporter, Cross-Summon, Destiny Draw, Polymerize, Call Spirit, [I] Call Supporter, [I] Call Striker, [R] Force Reroll, [R] Wayfinder, [LB] Climax Scramble, [LB] Gate-Crosser, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Summon Disc (Calling Card): Throw wide the gates, and bring forth allies across worlds! Enter battle with five random callcards, and at the end of your turn, draw until you have five.
Redraw (Calling Card, 100 Px): What the hell is Kamen Rider? Who ARE you people?! Discard any number of callcards. Then, for each card you discarded, reveal one card, and choose only one of these revealed cards to keep. (0 TP)
Summon Assist (Calling Card, 125 Px): 90%. Consume a callcard to open up a foe for one of your allies. Inflicts Defend Down or Evade Down for 8 ticks, rank based on Dangerous rank. Summon's choice. Can affect multiple targets on request. (1+E, 1 TP)
Summon Defender (Calling Card, 125 Px): [100%]. Consume a callcard to protect an ally. Applies Barrier<20/rank>, Defend Up, or Evade Up (8 ticks), rank/strength based on Selfless rank. Summon's choice. (1A, 1 TP)
Summon Supporter (Calling Card, 125 Px): 90%. Consume a callcard to boost an ally or delay an enemy. Adds or subtracts CT based on Tactical rank (5/rank, max 30). (1T, 1 TP)
Cross-Summon (Calling Card, 125 Px): 110%, M??. A double summon that draws out the power of relationships. Consume two callcards (or one and a randomly-drawn partner), attacking based on highest combined stat (10 power/rank). If the characters are similar or connected, the effect may be more powerful... or unpredictable. Repeatable. (1T, 1 TP)
Destiny Draw (Calling Card, 100 Px): You can't entirely defy luck... but you can make it bend. Reveal three unique cards and pick one to keep. Once there are at least five series with ten draws each, you may choose a specific series to draw from. (1 TP)
Polymerize (Calling Card, 150 Px): Consume two held callcards (or one and a randomly-drawn partner), to create... some combination of the two? Results are highly variable. Repeatable. (1 TP)
Call Spirit (Calling Card, 150 Px): Your favorite ally always returns to you. Choose a card you've used this turn, then set a Delay equal to its total rank * 4. When the Delay resolves, instantly draw that card. (1 TP)
[I] Call Supporter (Calling Card, 175 Px): When an ally's turn starts, consume a callcard to have them act based on random highest stat. Selfless: Heal the target (~10/rank). Dangerous: Apply 1-tick Power Up. Tactical: Fight alongside the target, applying Assist.
[I] Call Striker (Calling Card, 175 Px): When an enemy's turn starts, consume a callcard to have them act based on random highest stat. Selfless: Apply Barrier to yourself. Dangerous: Apply 1-tick Power Down. Tactical: Attempt to interrupt the target ([15%] per rank chance of TP -1).
[R] Force Reroll (Calling Card, 250 Px): An assist character leaps in and knocks the enemy back, allowing another try. Once per turn, when any random element is rolled, consume a callcard. Roll a new result for each rank in Tactical, plus one. (This ability can react to any random event, including rolls as part of reactions. For attacks, it rerolls a single accuracy roll.)
[R] Wayfinder (Calling Card, 150 Px): Space reserved for a future skill. ¦0¼ÚW}[µø(U«+¶~öö¨úõÓûAw'pÛEà@×E]DêòêÐz¾x§ñ
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[LB] Climax Scramble (Calling Card, 125 Px): Bring it in, guys! The ref draws five more cards. Summon any number of held cards or these new cards, add up all ratings, then resolve as one of the Summon skills based on which total rating is highest.
[LB] Gate-Crosser (Calling Card, 125 Px): Let expanse contract, eon become instant! Choose one summon from the callscript, or merge any number of held cards two at a time without consuming them. Then, gain the Gate-Crosser status: at the end of each of your turns, that ally takes one Summon action at 5* rank.
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Correspondent (Red Science) ///
An esoteric and strange support class, the Correspondent composes essays of flame in a searing language. Correspondents can twist and tweak skills of both allies and enemies as they're cast, but require careful planning and strategy to make the most of their odd skillset. Don't think too many sigils at once, or your hair might start to smolder! Inspired by the Fallen London profession "Correspondent."
\\ Max HP 300, 10 Speed, 3 TP per turn //
P [P-ATK 100 / P-DEF 90 / P-ACC 100 / P-EVD 120]
R [R-ATK 100 / R-DEF 90 / R-ACC 100 / R-EVD 120]
M [M-ATK 120 / M-DEF 100 / M-ACC 120 / M-EVD 110]
Correspondent skills: [M] Artisan Studies, [R] Sketch, [R] Inscribe, Judgement, Red Medicine, Impose Sigil, Compose Sigil, Transpose Sigil, Dispose Sigil, Explosive Rune, [LB] Red Miracle, [LB] Liberation of Night, [S] Boosted CT
[M] Artisan Studies (Red Science): You pen letters and essays in the language of flame. You can hold up to four sigils in your mind. These represent individual aspects of a skill: base power, accuracy, damage type, targeting, and delay. To see what sigils a skill breaks down into, or to view a sigil, use "!sigils".
[R] Sketch (Red Science, 300 Px): Steal inspiration, and capture part of the essence of a skill in your mind. Use only if you have less than four sigils. Once per turn, when a skill is used, you can copy any single sigil from it. If the skill is targeting you, Sketch's cooldown doesn't apply. (Sigil copying is evaluated after applying all other modifiers. You can't both Sketch and Inscribe or Impose the same skill.)
[R] Inscribe (Red Science, 300 Px): [75%]. Release a sigil at the perfect moment, overwriting their reality with yours. Forcibly write a single held sigil onto someone else's skill, as they use it. If successful, this consumes and applies any one sigil. (You can't both Inscribe and Impose the same skill.)
Judgement (Red Science, 250 Px): 85%, M40. Write "to become fire rather than be burned" in the Correspondence, and produce a radiant blast of golden light. The only truly universal language is power. When you use this skill, you may consume and apply any number of sigils. Sigils apply to this skill based on its modified stats, so order is important! (1E, 1 TP)
Red Medicine (Red Science, 100 Px): [100%], H40. Shroud the target in soothing darkness and write the Correspondence for "everything in its place," declaring that their wounds shall heal. When you use this skill, you may consume and apply any number of sigils as though this were an attack. (1A, 1 TP)
Impose Sigil (Red Science, 300 Px): [90%]. Release the power of a sigil to boost an ally or hinder a foe, twisting a flickering flame into a roaring blaze. Consume a sigil, then grant the target Imposed. Allies can activate the sigil to apply it when using any compatible action. Enemies normally automatically activate the sigil on their next compatible action, but you can ask the ref to intentionally delay. A unit can only have one sigil Imposed at a time. (1T, 1 TP)
Compose Sigil (Red Science, 200 Px): Rotate the radicals of basic Correspondence in your mind until they snap into meaning. Generate a random sigil. If you have less than four sigils, this is 0 TP, and keep generating sigils until you have four. (1 TP)
Transpose Sigil (Red Science, 100 Px): Viewed from this angle, this one means something different... Select a held sigil. Change its damage type, or move it up or down one rank. You may consume additional sigils to move the rank one stage further for each. (1 TP)
Dispose Sigil (Red Science, 100 Px): The nice thing about studying the Correspondence is, given a sufficiently fireproof desk, the notes do clean themselves up. Consume any number of sigils, then generate that many. Choose only one to keep. (0 TP)
Explosive Rune (Red Science, 100 Px): M??. Construct a particularly incendiary sentence, ready to instantly collapse should someone be unwise enough to read it. Consume any number of sigils. Base power equals 10x total rank. (1E, 1 TP)
[LB] Red Miracle (Red Science, 125 Px): You need no permission from physics or nature. Write what now shall be, and force the world to comply. Gain the Red Miracle status: Inscribe becomes [95%]. In addition, write into existence the classic critical rule: all heroes gain Brace.
[LB] Liberation of Night (Red Science, 125 Px): Snuff out the light and move in the icy freedom of darkness. Your next use of Judgement this turn does not consume any sigils applied to it.
[S] Boosted CT (Hero Property): Heroes are always the best at what they do. At the end of your turns, receive between 1 and 19 extra CT.
\\\ Grooves (Exceed) ///
Special skills that allow you to change how you charge Limit Breaks. Everyone gets one, regardless of your class. If you're not sure which to pick, try an all-rounder, like H-Groove! Inspired by every other ref's varied Limit Break mechanics.
Grooves skills: [G] H-Groove, [G] V-Groove, [G] F-Groove, [G] L-Groove, [G] A-Groove, [G] W-Groove, [G] Z-Groove, [G] N-Groove
[G] H-Groove (All-Rounder Groove): Classic combat style, and the default for new fighters. Gain an Adrenaline Gauge, which increases when dealing damage, taking damage, or healing. Consume 50% to boost your next attacks' base power by 50%, or 100% to use a Limit Break for 0 TP. (Rate: Medium) (Decay: Slow)
[G] V-Groove (All-Rounder Groove): Moonlit combat style. Gain a Drive Gauge (max 5). Gain one point after each turn not using a Limit Break. Consume 3 Drive and 1 TP to use a Limit Break. (Rate: Fixed) (Decay: None)
[G] F-Groove (All-Rounder Groove): Jackpot combat style. At the start of your turn, based on your HP and overall ally team state, randomly occasionally receive a Limit Turn: gain 1 TP and have the option to use a single Limit Break for 0 TP. (Rate: Random) (Decay: None)
[G] L-Groove (All-Rounder Groove): Overwhelming combat style. Gain a Bloobel Gauge, which increases when hit, up to 300%. Consume 100% and 1 TP to use a Limit Break... or consume 200% to also gain 1 TP... or consume 300% to also gain 2 TP! (Rate: Medium) (Decay: Slow)
[G] A-Groove (Specialized Groove): Rushdown combat style. Gain a Rengeki Gauge, which increases when hitting enemies. When full, consume the entire meter to either reduce an attack’s TP cost to 0, or use 1 TP to use a Limit Break. (Rate: Fast) (Decay: Medium)
[G] W-Groove (Specialized Groove): Power-of-friendship combat style. Gain an Overdrive Gauge, which increases with damage and KOs to self and allies, up to 300%. Consume the entire gauge to use a single skill or Limit Break (for 1 TP) with power multiplied by the gauge's hundreds digit. Powering up a Limit Break beyond 100% breaks the gauge for the rest of the battle. (Rate: Medium) (Decay: Slow)
[G] Z-Groove (Specialized Groove): Supporter combat style. Gain an SP Gauge, which builds sharply over time, but pauses if you inflict damage. Consume 100% to use a Limit Break for 0 TP. (Rate: Fast) (Decay: None)
[G] N-Groove (Specialized Groove): Roleplay combat style. Gain a Valor Gauge. As a 0 TP action, you may "Weigh Valor": if the ref judges you to have embodied the spirit of your class this turn, in mechanics or in roleplay, you gain 1 Valor. Spend 4 Valor and 1 TP to use a Limit Break. Extra Valor may be awarded at any time for fun roleplay moments.