XSYS Arena

Because balance is overrated.

How to Play --- Class Data --- More XSYS Codebase --- Patch Notes --- Post Archive


Kode for the default classes included with XSYS, the Extensible Boss Battle System.


The XSYS Boss Battle System is an RPG combat game that can be hosted over IRC, Discord, or both simultaneously.

In a boss battle, roughly five players join as Heroes, and go up against a single Boss controlled by the Referee (or “Ref”). Only the Ref needs XSYS installed and set up– everyone else plays by entering text commands into the chat, and telling the Ref what they want to do. The Ref enters commands into XSYS to resolve their actions and pilot the Boss.

XSYS is also restricted-open-source. If you’d like access to the source code to run it yourself and become a Referee, talk to the dev team and we’ll provide it to you individually. (At this time, we’re not providing full access to the entire world.)

Section I: Basic Rules


When the ref opens entries, pick your loadout. That consists of:

So, to join as a Profaner with H-Groove, use “!enter Profaner/H-Groove”!


Ticks and Turns

Section II: Classes

Attack Classes

Profaner (Dark Blast)

A simple all-offense class, Profaners channel a connection to the Profound Darkness to single-handedly wipe entire armies off the field with powerful antiphoton techniques. Anyone can use the Profaner effectively, if they’re willing to pay the price for their power. Based on the Phantasy Star Online 2 mechanic “Dark Blast.”

Class Mechanics: Exhaust and Shadow Photons

Bouncer (Jet Pursuit)

An elegant and stylish offense class, Bouncers use a rocket-polearm to launch wildly after enemies, striking down to propel themselves back up. They soar through the air with stored magic charge streaming behind them, striking stylish poses the whole time. Truly, these are the residents of the sky. Inspired by the traditional Kode class “Dragoon,” and a few other things…

Class Mechanics: Delay and Combo

Scion (Successor Arts)

A versatile, agile offensive class that switches fluidly between physical and ranged attacks. Drawing out the Scion’s full potential requires carefully thinking through your combo tree, but a truly skilled one can be both devastating and untouchable. Based on the PSO2 Scion Classes “Hero” and “Luster.”

Class Mechanics: Exhaust and Voltage

Decider (Vanguard Pilot)

A powerful and heavy offensive class, Deciders take to the field in a Vanguard, a three-meter-tall mech suit with a shoulder-mounted railgun originally built for military use. Experts at dealing damage and controlling the battlefield, these heavy machines can dance and weave through the front lines, blazing open a path for their forces. Based on the Xbox game “Steel Battalion.”

Class Mechanics: Battery, Exhaust, Delay, and Clipazines

Support Classes

Arcanimist (Lost Arcanima)

A support class that provides buffs, healing, and shielding to their allies, Arcanimists are the last bearers of the art of controlling floating magitek pylons called distaves, thought lost to history during the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Based on what information exists of the unimplemented FFXIV 1.0 class “Arcanist.”

Class Mechanic: Distaves

Wrathguard (Four Quadrants)

A defensive class, the Wrathguard fights with massive greatsword and fist interchangeably, knocking aside their opponents’ blows. With their powerful reactions, they often fight almost as much outside their turn as they do on their own turn, defending by interrupting and intercepting enemy attacks. Based (loosely) on 14th century German longsword techniques.

Class Mechanics: Exhaust, Breath, and Readied

Arbiter (Calling Card)

A versatile and highly-tactical support class, the Arbiter is the latest student in a long tradition of RCP technicians. They draw “calling cards” from the callscript, summoning allies from distant worlds and sending them leaping into the fray at just the right moment. A skilled Arbiter always has the perfect card up their sleeve. Based on standard arena classes like “RCP Tech” and “SeeD.”

Class Mechanic: Callcards

Correspondent (Red Science)

An esoteric and strange support class, the Correspondent composes essays of flame in a searing language. Correspondents can twist and tweak skills of both allies and enemies as they’re cast, but require careful planning and strategy to make the most of their odd skillset. Don’t think too many sigils at once, or your hair might start to smolder! Based on the Fallen London profession “Correspondent.”

Class Mechanic: Sigils

Section III: Limit Breaks and Grooves

Limit Breaks become accessible depending on which Groove you’ve selected.

Each of these Grooves is based on a different boss-battle system that came before this one!

All-Rounder Grooves

Specialized Grooves

Your Groove will tell you how many TP a Limit Break costs for you. It’s usually 1 TP.

Some Grooves modify the power of a Limit Break.

Section IV: Commands

General Commands

In-Battle Commands

Appendix I: Statuses

Statuses have levels and duration. Some have duration in clock ticks; others last for a number of turns. Some are “innate,” denoted with a duration of *, and last until an effect removes them.

Higher levels of the same status overwrite lower levels. Lower levels slightly extend the duration of higher levels.

If you apply the same status to someone who already has it, it’ll increase the level of that status (if possible), making the status’s changes more powerful.

Mechanic Statuses

Standard Statuses

Original Statuses

Guest Statuses

Special Statuses

Appendix II: Definitions and Edge Cases

If you need to consult this section, something has gone delightfully wrong. Good work.